• For any querries, Please call at 9341 66 0007
  • Send a mail to support@federalcapital.in with your UCC, Demat ID, PAN, Name from your registered email id
  • Mention your UCC, Demat ID, PAN & Name from your registered email id

  • How can my account be blocked due to suspicious activity?
  • To voluntarily freeze or block the trading account, clients can follow any of these steps:
  • Send a mail to stoptrade@federalcapital.in from your registered email-id or call at 9341 66 0007
  • Read Policy on Freezing Trading Account online

  • Rights And Obligations Of Stock Brokers, Sub-Brokers And Clients

  • Policy Framework on PMLA (Prevention of Anti Money Laundering Act, 2002